The dawn and subsequent boom of the internet has brought a vast number of innovations and benefits to business owners across a wide variety of industries. Not only has it given entrepreneurs access to a vast wealth of information, it has also completely revamped the way business is conducted. One particular breakthrough stemming from the connective power of the World Wide Web is that of cloud computing, which has the ability to revolutionize the structure and functionality of any business.
Cloud computing is a hot topic, but not many business owners know exactly what it is. In a nutshell, the cloud utilizes servers in a remote location that are hosted on the internet, allowing business owners and employees to access and store vast amounts of data from any location, at any time. Such a powerful tool provides companies with a number of advantages, including:
- Potential for growth. Cloud computing gives business owners access to massive data storage, with the ability to upgrade in the blink of an eye. When companies need greater capacity, they no longer have to jump through hoops to achieve that expansion.
- Disaster recovery. Most cloud computing services provide backup and disaster recovery in the event of a failure or catastrophe. This means they don’t have to create complex backup programs or invest in additional hard drives to keep information safe.
- Improved collaboration abilities. Cloud computing is unique in that it allows multiple users to upload and edit documents simultaneously, giving them the ability to collaborate in real time from any location. As long as internet access is present, they’re good to go.
and many more.
The new year is a great time to get your company set up with cloud computing and push your limits farther than you ever have before. When you are seeking options to help you get started, you want the support and expertise of an IT company backed by a team of professionals who provide quality customer service. That’s why you need Firewall Computer Services.
To get started today, contact Firewall Computer Services at (407) 647-3430. We look forward to helping your business reach new heights.